İstanbul Havalimanlarından Özel Araç ile Transferimiz vardır.
Oral Surgery
Removal of wisdom teeth and retained teeth
A removal of the wisdom teeth is indicated by non- or partial perforation or where complications occur regarding the perforation, i.e. inflammation of the surrounding area. Wisdom teeth can sometimes be misplaced in the bone. They can also be the cause of many different afflictions.
Cysts Removal
Cysts are pathological cavities that grow expansively. Jaw cysts can displace and destroy surrounding structures. By removing the cysts, the disease can be treated.
Apex resection
An apex resection is the removal of the apex, which is performed in cases of inflammations or cysts at the apex. The goal of the resection is the preservation of the tooth. In most cases, tooth loss can be prevented.
The Oral Cancer Foundation estimates that close to 42,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year. Oral cancer’s mortality is particularly high, not because it is hard to detect or diagnose, but because the cancer is often discovered late in its development. Your family dentist or OMS is in the best position to detect oral cancer during your routine dental examinations.
Don't risk it.Perform an oral cancer self-exam each month.
Perform a Self-Exam Monthly
Everyone should perform an oral cancer self-exam each month. An oral examination is performed using a bright light and a mirror:
Remove any dentures
Look and feel inside the lips and the front of gums
Tilt head back to inspect and feel the roof of your mouth
Pull the cheek out to see its inside surface as well as the back of the gums
Pull out your tongue and look at all of its surfaces
Feel for lumps or enlarged lymph nodes (glands) in both sides of the neck including under the lower jaw
When performing a self-examination, look for the following:
Are you at risk for oral cancer? Learn to perform a self-exam.
Are you at risk for oral cancer? Learn the facts.
White patches of the oral tissues — leukoplakia
Red patches — erythroplakia
Red and white patches — erythroleukoplakia
A sore that fails to heal and bleeds easily
An abnormal lump or thickening of the tissues of the mouth
Chronic sore throat or hoarseness
Difficulty in chewing or swallowing
A mass or lump in the neck
Your mouth is one of your body's most important early warning systems. Don't ignore any suspicious lumps or sores. Should you discover something, make an appointment for a prompt examination. Early treatment may well be the key to complete recovery.
in Istanbul Nisantasi Implant centre
The odontogenic keratocyst is a locally agresive,cystic jaw lesion with a putative high growth potential and a prospensity for recurrence. The odontogenic keratocysts still present an enigma for clinicians bacause of diagnostic problems related to relative lack of specific clinical and radiologic properties. On the other hand its potential of recurrence and existence as a benign odontogenic neoplasm, keratocystic odontogenic tumour. Various surgical modalities have evolved in an attempt to reduce the recurrence rate, including curettage, peripheral ostectomy, removal of overlying mucosa in cases of cortical perforation and osseous resection in the form of marginal or segmental osteotomies.
Glandular Odontogenic Cyst
in Istanbul Nisantasi Implant centre
The glandular odontogenic cyst (GOC) described as a distinct entity by Gardner at al. in 1988 is a rare developmental odontogenic epithelial cyst. The cyst occurs more commonly in the middle age people and has a tendency to recur. The common radiographic features include a well- defined radiolucency with distinct borders, presenting an unilocular or multilocular apperance. For certain diagnose of GOC, histopathological examination is necessary. Because of recurrance potential of the GOC, complete surgical removal and post-operative clinical and radiological follow-up is very important. In this presentation, we describe a rare case of GOC arising in the posterior region of the maxilla in a 56-year-old male and also present the clinical, radiological and histopathological features of glandular odontogenic cyst.
Istanbul Implant Nisantasi Centre pictures
Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth to develop and appear in your mouth. They come in between the ages of 17 and 25, a time of life that has been called the "Age of Wisdom."
Wisdom teeth may not need to be extracted if they grow in completely and are functional, painless, cavity-free, disease-free and in a hygenic environment with healthy gum tissue. They do, however, require regular, professional cleaning, annual check-ups and periodic X-rays to monitor for any changes.
The worst thing to do is IGNORE your Wisdom Teeth!
When a tooth doesn't fully grow in, it's "impacted"–usually unable to break through the gums because there isn't enough room.
An impacted wisdom tooth can damage neighboring teeth or become infected. Because it's in an area that’s hard to clean, it can also invite bacteria that lead to gum disease. Oral bacteria can also travel through your bloodstream and lead to infections and illnesses that affect your heart, kidneys and other organs. In some cases, a cyst or tumor can form around the base of the impacted tooth, which can lead to more serious problems as it hollows out the jaw and damages surrounding nerves, teeth and other parts of your mouth and face.
Generaly in Istanbul Nisantasi Implant Centre
Generally, wisdom teeth should be surgically removed when there are:
Infections and/or periodontal (gum) disease
Cavities that can’t be restored
Cysts, tumors or other pathologies
Damage to neighboring teeth